We are pleased to invite you to participate in theĀ International Workshop “Current Trends in the Maritime Ship Building and Transport in the Black Sea Regionā. The event is planned for September 8th, starting from 11.00 am (Kyiv time). The event will be held within the framework of the international project 4BIZ Boosting the Blue Economy in the Black Sea Region by Initiating a Business Collaboration Framework in the field of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Coastal and Maritime Tourism and Maritime Transport (https://4biz.bsun.org/?cat=13). PU “UMC” is participating in the implementation of this project, in particular, this workshop will be moderated by the Executive Director of the Union Olena Zhukova. Members of the PU “UMC” – MDEM LLC and “C-Job Nikolayev” LLC will also present their best practices.
The program of the event is available here: https://bsun.org/media/Program_4BIZ_Workshop_8_September_2023_v31.08.pdf
Registration is available here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvd-urrT4uHdCXkw8RtuFu36ox1aTHXqs7
The working language is English, no translation is provided.