Complex systemic problems require complex and systemic solutions


The meeting was organized by the joint efforts of Marine Design Engineering Mykolayiv LLC (MDEM), the Business Support Center, Association Ukrsudprom, APPAU and with the participation of maritime industry segments leaders: Nibulon LLC, MDEM, C-Job Nikolayev, Proline, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, “Mykolaivverf” and other enterprises of the industry. The key idea, which was repeatedly voiced by the participants both today and during the previous meetings, that the best variant of competition is cooperation. In the working meeting format, participants summed up the latest sessions’ results and announced initiatives for consolidating maritime industry representatives, identified vital tasks on preparing an analytical report on the industry, and agreed on the key provisions of appeals to the legislative and executive authorities.


Within a discussion of the industry development problematics, experts have agreed with the fact that complex systemic problems require complex and systemic solutions, not situational:

  1. An intimate understanding of the current state of the industry with a detailed analysis of each area.
  2. Indicators and dynamics.
  3. Development of long-term strategy and state program of the Ukrainian maritime industry with relevant planning documents.
  4. Improving the legal framework and reforming the executive service.

Presently, all participants face a difficult task – to consolidate their efforts and develop proposals and legislative initiatives draft on the solution for the existing problems and the current state of the maritime service industry in Ukraine improving. Ultimately, it is market players who must become the customers of public policy. Equally important is joining the European Union’s shipbuilding ecosystem, which will contribute to the development of maritime infrastructure, joint educational programs realization, implementation of innovative solutions, attract investment, improve the legal framework, and generally stimulate the growth of the industry by segments.

The source: Facebook page «Business Support Center»

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