Within the framework of the ClusteRISE project on July 8-9, the first forum of the Ukrainian clusters of industrial hi-tech (IAM – Engineering, Automation, Mechanical Engineering) from the regions of Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia and Mykolaiv will take place in Mykolaiv. Kharkiv will be represented by a delegation from the IAM cluster, Zaporizhzhia – by a similar IAM cluster, and Mykolaiv – by the Ukrainian Maritime Cluster.
All three clusters were launched in autumn of 2020 and today have approximately the same state of development. Accordingly, the purpose of the meeting is to exchange experiences in a wide range of issues relevant to the development of young clusters – such as recruitment of cluster members, value creation, international cooperation, fundraising, interaction with regional authorities in creating regional strategies, etc. The program of the meeting includes presentations of clusters, a visit to a leading local shipbuilding enterprise, discussions and brainstorming on topical issues of cluster development. The key partners of the clusters – Zaporizhzhya CCI, APPAU Association and Mykolaiv Business Support Center will also present their work. As part of the two-day visit, a cultural program is also planned for the guests of Mykolaiv – a boat trip and communication in an informal atmosphere.
Oleksandr Yurchak, ClusteRISE and APPAU Project Manager, commented goals of the event: “All three clusters were created according to the same model (IAM) and today are at the stage of completion. It means, all clusters have a functioning operating structure, more than 10 full members have been involved, a budget is being filled and development strategies for 2021-22 have been defined. At the same time, in these, as well as in strategic issues of development, clusters have certain difficulties and its resolving is not obvious. For example, all clusters lag a little behind the targets for filling the budget, the value proposition is not yet sufficiently formed and there are some challenges with resources, especially in terms of export support. Solutions to these issues are not clear yet. We are also going to share the best practices in each region to discuss these aspects together. I think that in addition to these business issues, the motivational component of this event is very important.”
Olena Zhukova, Ukrainian Maritime Cluster Acting Director and MDEM Managing Director, the host company of the forum, commented on her expectations: “On the one hand, the cluster movement is not a new one, especially in the maritime industry. Long before the UMC creation, we studied market reviews and plans of European maritime clusters progress. On the other hand, the cluster initiative, which has evolved into a UMC public union with 20 participants, governing bodies and plans, opens a new Ukrainian reality for us – we are ready to unite, share knowledge, information and resources for the development of our ecosystem. Now we need to succeed in achieving our goals, given the known limitations. Fortunately, IAM clusters of Ukraine, which are close to us in spirit and issues, are actively expanding and have unique experience, for example in promoting Industry 4.0. We are sure that the synergy of like-minded people will inspire new ideas and guarantee a pleasant time.
The event is part of the ClusteRISE project, implemented by the Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine (APPAU) within the project “Application and implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in the field of trade” implemented by the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German government.
Additional information by the email info@appau.org.ua