Our goal: to support the sustainable development of the Blue economy and implementation of Ukraine’s maritime potential.

The Public Union “Ukrainian Maritime Cluster” conducts systematic work to promote Ukraine’s blue economy, particularly through informational campaigns, conferences, roundtables, and the convening of working groups. Among our key achievements are the organization of the European Maritime Day in Ukraine since 2020, the implementation of the 4BIZ grant project ” Boosting the Blue Economy in the Black Sea Region by Initiating a Business Collaboration Framework in the field of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Coastal and Maritime Tourism and Maritime Transport”, the development of proposals for Ukraine’s national Shipbuilding Strategy, and participation in world maritime exhibitions such as Europort 2021, Europort 2023, and others. All members of the Public Union “Ukrainian Maritime Cluster” are actively working together on these initiatives.


However, in this publication, we would like to highlight the focused personal contributions of the members of the Ukrainian Maritime Cluster in supporting the development of the blue economy at both regional and international levels. 

Marine Design Engineering Mykolaiv LLC (MDEM Intl.), part of the global maritime giant DAMEN, places high value on family traditions, professionalism, and corporate culture. At MDEM Intl., it is believed that one of the most effective ways to engage the younger generation and build a blue career is to provide children with opportunities to visit their parents’ workplaces and witness the production processes firsthand. This not only ignites interest in the profession but also instills in children a sense of responsibility for the future of the industry. For this purpose, it organizes summer career orientation camps and blue economy workshops for employees’ children. For students at Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, MDEM Intl. specialists conduct guest lectures and offer opportunities for internships at the company. 

In 2024, Business Support Center LLC, in collaboration with the All-Ukrainian Association of Business Support Centers, organized the online forum ‘Mykolaiv Blue&Green Economy’, the conference ‘Blue Summit: Strategic Recovery of Mykolaiv through Sustainable Development and the Blue Economy’, and the workshop ‘Blue Economy: From Ideas to Practical Implementation’. Additionally, they developed and are promoting the board game ‘BLUE ECONOMY’ and launched a website on blue and green economy topics, https://blueplatform.info/, along with many other initiatives. 


Serhii Miroshnyk, Chief Designer of Project Design Bureau ProLINE LLC, is actively engaged in the development of the ‘Municipal Marina’ project in Mykolaiv, and has been involved in the creation of the AQUAPORT public space as well as the renovation of the Young Sailors’ Club building in Mykolaiv. 

Yurii Zhukov, founder of C-Job Nikolaev LLC, actively participates in specialized cluster conferences, particularly through the Ukrainian Cluster Alliance. Representatives of the company attend international maritime exhibitions to adopt best practices, which are subsequently implemented into further development. Additionally, the company focuses on enhancing its workforce potential by organizing practical internships for students from the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (NUS). 

Company Gulfstream LLC demonstrates innovative approaches to the production of small vessels. In 2023, they won the ‘SIKORSKY CHALLENGE’ festival in the ‘Infrastructure and Industrial High-Tech’ category, specifically in the ‘Best Solution to a Problem’ nomination, with their project No.151 ‘PROPER BOATS: High-Strength Fleet of HDPE’. This project was developed and presented by the company’s director, Oleksandr Kushniriov. 

The Ukrainian Maritime Cluster supports the initiatives of its members, aimed at the sustainable development of Ukraine’s maritime economy, with a focus on innovation and integration with advanced international practices. Therefore, we invite you to follow our upcoming publications, where we will provide detailed coverage of the significant achievements and innovative projects by Cluster members that contribute to the growth of Ukraine’s blue economy and its competitiveness on the global stage. 


You can find more information on this and other events following UMC channels: 


🔰Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/maritimecluster.ua  

🔰LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/ukrainian-maritime-cluster-umc-/  

🔰Website – https://maritimeukraine.com/ 

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Ukrainian Maritime Cluster © 2025